Member-only story
Home by Another Way
One of the uplifting spiritual practices that I have been keeping, since striking out on my own as a single woman back in September, is visiting the CD section of the thrift stores when I am out looking for MERCH.
I’m not looking for merchandise to sell in the CD aisle- I am looking for my past. I have an old boombox that I have pilfered from one of my church situations, where it wasn’t being used anymore, and I now have it in what I euphemistically like to call my “dorm room” in Arlington.
I call it my dorm room, because I am currently in my “Single Woman 101” course at the University of Life. Also because it basically IS set up like a dorm room -with various areas for the things I do in my life but all located in one room. Believe me, after living on a 30 foot sailboat for almost a year, this 100 square-foot room feels like a palace on most days.
I am here, waiting to find my permanent home….which brings me to the topic of James Taylor and old CDs….