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An Ignatian Silent Retreat- What Happens? Day Three/Part Two
Tuesday- Day 2 Captain’s Log…..Stardate 11/17/2020
Today’s theme is sin.
I know, great opening line right?????
Everyone close your browser. Nobody wants to read this.
But stick with me, those of you that are brave and curious…….
In the Retreat House library yesterday afternoon I was perusing a book on the 8 Day Ignatian Retreat. It said that on Day 2, often times, the dark sins and thoughts you have been trying to escape will come forward. This is because you are slowing down and becoming closer to God. When you are all speeded up and running away from God, the Evil One does not bother messing with you, because you are not a threat all speeded up and running away from God.
I have actually believed that for a long time, but had not thought about it in a great while.
So, naturally, the Reason I Came Here came to the forefront .
And it was not pretty.
I know- once an addict always an addict.
Not my addiction to alcohol or other substances. Thankfully , I continue to be sober from that one day at a time.